"Dear Lord, thank You for allowing me to put up a page to share my hobbies with others. Please continue to bless this page with success, and may it help all who seek to find information here. Help our sport grow, and may you watch over us and keep us safe while we enjoy ourselves in Your name. Amen."



   nox noctis - (nôks nôk'tes) n. Latin. night; darkness; death.

Welcome to the world of NoxNoctis. This is a site for local airsoft news in the LA area. Please check back often for developments, reviews, pictures, and other airsoft related tidbits in Southern California. I also offer this page as a haven for newbies, since I've been there myself. Hopefully I can make the road a little less bumpy for those who are planning to get into this sport. If you have something newsworthy that you would like the airsoft population of Southern California to know, just drop me a line and let me know! And don't forget, this site is constantly updating with news and info. If you have any suggestions for me on how to improve my page, don't hesitate to let me know. Please sign the guestbook on your way out!


UPDATE  This site is no longer updated. Please refer to Airsoft Player's League or SoCal Airsoft for updates and information.



Questions? Comments? Reproaches? Horoscopes? glennl@uci.edu


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Some disclaimer crap: Listen, I think it's pretty silly that even I would have to put a disclaimer up on a page such as this. But at this day and age, in order to protect myself, I have to let some of you smaller minded creatures out there that I take no responsibility for whatever stupid thing you do after you have read the contents of this site. This webpage was intended to promote, encourage, and educate the general masses about airsoft. It also does not sell airsoft products. You idiots that would prefer to use the information found here within these pages for some demented, illegal, mind-numbingly stupid scheme should know that I am not responsible for your actions. Matter of fact, I'm not responsible for anything at all. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nothing. None. So go ahead and shoot your friend in the eye at ten feet or your cat in the butt at point blank. See if I care.

Also, from time to time, I come across some images while surfing the net that I would like to use as examples or illustrations on certain articles or sections. I'm usually pretty good about asking for permission from the owner of the images, but if you see an image that belongs to you and I have not asked for permission to use it, please let me know and I will make the proper arrangements or simply remove them. I apologize in advace if I ever do make this mistake.


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